Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bible Memory

During my high school years I competed at the International Student Convention for School of Tomorrow students.  I always used to describe this competition as a mini Olympics for home school/ christian school students.  There were events ranging from archery to ping pong, spelling to poetry writing, female quartets to one act plays.  One of the events I entered every year was Bible Memory.  I worked hard months at a time on the list of verses I might be tested on 150 in all if my memory serves me.  Three of those years I placed in the top 6.

But then today, I had a thought.  I'm not sure that I've actually committed to memory ANY other scripture verses since that time.  Sure I've done a lot of Bible reading, and many of the verses that I memorized stick with me to this day, but I have not been diligent to "hide God's Word in my heart" since that time.  I am ashamed.

Today I decided to obey God in this matter.  I plan to memorize at least one new verse every day along with my Bible reading.  I understand that I could plan to memorize just one a week, one a month, or maybe I could even do 5 a day if I tried really hard.  So in planning to memorize one a day I'm not saying this is what everyone else ought to do or what I necessarily have to do to obey God on this matter.  It's just my plan, that's it.  It does make a lot of sense to me though.  If my plan is to daily read the Bible then I plan to daily memorize it as well.

SO verses of the day:  Proverbs 23:13-14 "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."

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